Vị Trí Tuyển Dụng


    Tầng 2, Tòa nhà FPT Fornix, Lô D28, Khu đô thị mới Cầu Giấy, Phường Dịch Vọng Hậu, Quận Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội

    • Số lượng cần tuyển: 1
    • Loại hình công việc: Toàn thời gian
    • Đơn vị quản lý: Trung Tâm Điều Hành Mạng
    • Mức lương: lương thỏa thuận
    • Hạn nộp hồ sơ:



    • Analytics in network refers to the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data related to network performance, security, and user behavior. Network analytics can provide insights into the health and efficiency of a network, helping identify potential issues before they become critical and improve network quality and security.
    • As a Senior Network Data Analytics, you will analyze and optimize network performance through advanced data analytics and AI technologie. This role involves deep dives into network data, identifying trends and anomalies, and implementing predictive models to enhance network efficiency and security.


    • Develop and implement big data analytics frameworks, AI models and machine learning algorithms for network data analysis.
    • Analyze network traffic, network events and network performance.
    • Analyze user behavior within the network, such as the applications they use, the websites they visit, and the devices they connect to the network with.
    • Analyze network security events such as intrusion attempts, malware infections, and other security incidents.
    • Develop predictive models to anticipate network issues before they occur.
    • Provide expert analysis and recommendations system to improve network strategies.
    • Lead projects and collaborate with NOC and SCC teams to implement data-driven and inten-based networking solutions.
    • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of data-driven network strategies.
    • Stay updated with emerging trends in network technologies, big data, and AI.
    • A basic grasp of networking concepts, like how data moves through networks (OSI model, TCP/IP stack).
    • Familiarity with the different types of networks (LAN, WAN, MAN, PAN, etc.) and network topologies (star, mesh, bus, ring, etc.).
    • Understanding of network infrastructure components such as routers, switches, and firewalls.
    • Data Analysis: Proficient in using statistical tools to analyze network performance data.
    • Database Management: Knowledge of SQL or NoSQL databases for storing and retrieving network data.
    • Data Visualization: Ability to create clear visual representations of complex network datasets. Experience with data visualization tools, such as ggplot, qplot, matplotlib, etc.
    • Big Data Technologies: Familiarity with tools like Hadoop, Spark, or Kafka for handling large-scale network data.
    • Data Mining: Skills in extracting valuable insights from large, unstructured sets of network data.
    • Data Cleaning: Competence in identifying and correcting errors in network data to ensure accuracy.
    • Machine Learning: Deep understanding of supervised and unsupervised learning models, neural networks, and reinforcement learning.
    • Programming: Experience with common data science toolkits, such as R, Python, MatLab, etc. Excellence in at least one of these is highly desirable.
    • Data Modeling: Ability to create data models that can predict network behaviors and identify anomalies.
    • Natural Language Processing: Knowledge of NLP for AI interfaces that interact with network users and administrators.
    • Computer Vision: Skills in computer vision to interpret network diagrams and data visualizations.
    • Algorithm Development: Competence in developing algorithms that can automate network configuration and management tasks.
    • Analytics: Strong analytical skills to interpret complex network data and derive actionable insights.
    • AI Deployment: Experience in deploying AI models into production environments, understanding containerization and orchestration tools.
    • System Integration: Experience in integrating AI technologies with existing network management systems.
    • Collaboration and Communication: Ability to explain AI concepts to non-technical stakeholders and work collaboratively with cross-functional teams.
    • Bachelor/Master/PhD's degree in a relevant technical discipline (Math, Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics, or similar field)
    • Familiarity with network monitoring and analysis tools.
    • Knowledge of network security measures and how AI can enhance threat detection and response.
    • Insights into network performance metrics and how they can be optimized using AI-driven techniques.


    • You'll love working in our dynamic environment with >14.000 young & active employees.
    • Honor & Award for the best employees who have great contribution to the company's success, especially the awards night for 50 best employees each year will be held overseas.
    • Unique culture with many exciting activities: rookie training, 72 hours experience, team building, status quo, village festival...
    • Attractive sports activities: football, badminton, swimming, table tennis, billiards ...
    • Being trained by professionals, having many promoting opportunities to become managers in the leading technology groups in Vietnam, with >30,000 people and a professional environment.
    • Obtaining full legal insurance coverage for yourself and your family with FPT-Care


    - Tầng 2, Tòa nhà FPT Fornix, Lô D28, Khu đô thị mới Cầu Giấy, Phường Dịch Vọng Hậu, Quận Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội


    Thông tin liên hệ: Nguyễn Thùy Linh
    Email: linhnt117@fpt.com
    Điện thoại cố định: 02473002222 máy lẻ 4372
    Điện thoại di động: 0346189742

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    Là đơn vị quản lý toàn bộ hoạt động kết nối internet trong nước, quốc tế và Dịch vụ Máy chủ của FPT Telecom, nơi hội tụ của những chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực công nghệ Viễn thông hàng đầu Việt Nam và khu vực Đông Nam Á tham gia vận hành Data Center đầu tiên tại Việt Nam đạt chuẩn Tier 3.

    Nếu bạn là người ưa thích chinh phục những thử thách và khám phá công nghệ mới trong lĩnh vực viễn thông thì Trung tâm điều hành mạng của FPT Telecom là nơi lý tưởng để bạn dẫn thân. Live chat